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    当前位置:网站首页 > 新闻资讯 > 行业信息

    • 洛氏硬度计故障原因及解决措施
    • 本站编辑:莱州市试验机金刚石工具厂发布日期:2019-08-18 18:28 浏览次数:











    In the process of using rockwell hardness tester, if the displayed value is wrong, there are many reasons for this factor. Now I summarize the analysis and elimination of a common fault into the following nine points:

    1. At the beginning of preloading rockwell hardness tester, the pointer was found to shake. The main reason is the flat key lifting screw groove with clearance. Just tighten the flat key fastening screw of the hardness tester or replace it.

    2. After the completion of the main load, the pointer of durometer will vibrate, which can be caused by three reasons. There is oil on a weight tray. The second buffer is unbalanced relative to the table. Three durometer body is not level. After finding out the problem, we can choose to clean up the oil pollution, adjust the buffer, and correct the durometer work table.

    3. Pointer jitter occurs when the rockwell hardness tester is loaded under the main load. The reason is that the loading handle of rockwell hardness tester is loose or the buffer oil is insufficient. Discharge method: tighten loose top wire, fuel and clean air.

    4. After the main load is loaded, the pointer of durometer turns too much for a long time. The reason is that the weight boom is too long, adjust to a short bar to solve the problem

    5. After the main load of the durometer was loaded, the pointer remained stationary. The cause is that the main load is not added, or the buffer oil needle closed the oil hole. The solution is to shorten the length of the durometer boom, open the buffer, and adjust the oil needle.

    6. When adding the main load to the durometer, the pointer rotates rapidly. The main reason is the buffer oil needle in the open position or buffer no oil. Elimination method: adjust oil needle to proper position, refueling and exhaust clean air

    7. When adding the main load to the durometer, the pointer rotates slowly. The main reasons are as follows: the buffer oil needle adjustment is too small, the buffer oil is too dirty or viscosity is large, the dial gauge measuring rod has a large friction, the main shaft system has resistance. After analyzing the reasons, adjust the oil needle, change the appropriate oil, eliminate friction, and clean the spindle system.

    8. When adding the main load of the hardness tester, the pointer stops and stops at different speeds. There are two main reasons, one is the rockwell hardness tester buffer cylinder air. Second, the durometer is not level resulting in collision or contact between the fuselage and weight. Solution, one to eliminate the air cylinder, two to adjust the level of hardness tester.

    9, hardness tester hardness tester after the main load unloading pointer also has run-out phenomenon. The reason is that the ball head and autumn pit at the link between the weight derrick and the big lever enter the oil pollution and can be cleaned.